Free-spirit Boho Portraits / Portland Powell Butte Nature Park


Hello friends, this is a little bit of a different shoot than what I normally do. But different is good. Especially in this case, where I planned, styled, and conceptualized this shoot for my own creative gratification. If you saw this on my Instagram i wrote a little bit about what this shoot meant to me and the idea behind it. Basically, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what makes ME unique as a photographer. Especially living in the Portland area, this field is so saturated. So in an effort to remind myself of who I am as an artist and what inspires me, I decided to come up with this shoot as the first of a series - Who Am I. I don’t know if it’s common to have so many different styles and “versions” of yourself, but I feel like one of those people who are a little on the complicated side and I have many different cultures all within this one body of mine. In the past, I went through many different phases trying to figure out my style or when I feel most comfortable and ‘myself.’

And over the course of 22 years a few have really stuck with me, and I realized that these were my core characters who make up who I am. This shoot showcases my free-spirited gypsy, bohemian, nature & vintage loving side of me. I hope you get to see this reflected in these photos, and I’m excited to plan the next shoot!


Minimalist Union/Pine Wedding Portland, Oregon


Canon Beach Anniversary Session / Mariah & Scott