St. Johns Portland Engagement / Jake & Taylor


Does the word cool even encapsulate what a rad couple Jake and Taylor are?? I don’t know seems a little unexciting compared to the way I feel, but let me tell you these two are the definition of COOL people. They nail that grungy-late 80’s to early 90’s-Portland look and it suits them so well. I loved grabbing some happy hour drinks and wandering around the St. Johns neighborhood for some photos at dusk.

If you or anyone you know has reservations about taking engagement photos, let me reassure you that these photos should be YOU. Whether they are mushy, crazy, chill, adventurous, relaxed, romantic…they can be whatever you want them to be. I feel like there’s such a stereotype with engagement photos in the modern era of instagram and social media. I am challenging myself to make sure each of my couples not only get beautiful photos of this occasion to look back on, but to have them feel like it portrays who they are as people and as a couple. I like it to feel more like a documented hangout and less of a nerve-racking dressy occasion.

Taylor and Jake embraced this time to be themselves and I think that comes across when you look at these photos. Enjoy scrolling and comment if you feel the love!


Coava Coffee Engagement / Daniel and Anna


Hipster Bar Scene Engagement Photos / Lowry & William